FOF #573 – Laugh Riot
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Don’t they look lovely? Our handsome intern Justin McPhee and Chicago Mr. Gay 2007 Erik R. Sosa came over to tape a show with us today and we couldn’t be more delighted. When you have […]
Great show guys!
Fausto, aspartame is pronounced ass-par-tame
Don’t worry, Fausto, I used to pronounce it the same way…
Aspartame is the Greek goddess of diet cola. She is the mother of Splenda (one of the seven Diabetes), and is known to cause cancer in the state of California.
Boys, boys, boys…I will be there ASAP! Just tell me when and I will take the morning off from work 🙂 Oh, and let’s ALL go to the beach this weekend. We could all use a little sunshine in our lives 🙂
I have the jingle…
Feast of Fools….
We’re so Gay
Its 6 syllables like you asked!! ;O)
Okay okay, lyrics…
Ah ha! It encapsulates your motto-
People’s Choice Gay Fun Show!
my jingle entry:
Quar-ter turns
all around!
I thought there was a little you and ME in Ass-part-a-me!
So instead it rhymes with LAME? Ass-par-tame?
Keep up those six-syllable lyric entries folks! Who else has got one?
The theme MUST be:
With-out you
We’re noth-ing!
Feast of Fools
Flip That Shit
Feast of Fools
Ping Pong Pride
Tried to think of the most random thing…And, let’s be honest…it’s just so much fun to say! 🙂
Feast of Fools
Spread the Love
ooh — I like that last one.
Feast of Fools
is so gay.
(flip that shit! of course that is gay in the “fabulous, wonderful, and lovely” sense)
How about:
Rubber chickens
are fun!
Ok so like, I know that has *nothing* to do with FOF but those were the first words that came to my head and I couldn’t stop singing them all day and besides, rubber chickens ARE pretty cool. 🙂
Hey guys, thanks for the funny comments on today’s show. And to Justin McPhee, you are my favorite FoF supporter.
: )
Feel the love that’s inside.
Pinch his butt once or twice.
Please come up with more words.
Don’t make me come over there.
Today’s show rocked.
Lyrics: Miss Ronnie might like “Ex-tra-or-din-ar-y”. Maybe “Feast of Fools Gay Pod-Cast”? “We All Love Feast of Fools”? “Faus-to, Mark, and the gayng” (I know that gang doesn’t have a “y” in it, but it sure does gay up the word!). I like rdphilly’s entry too… “with-out you, we-‘re no-thing”. Check your email Mark and Fausto, I am sending you a musical gift. 😉
Tammy Faye: What a coincidence that you all talked about poor TFBM (Tammy Faye Bakker Messner) on today’s show. She really does look awful. “The Gospel According to Tammy Faye” (the musical, none-the-less) will receive it’s Houston premier today and play through July 23. Any FOF Houstonians up for seeing this? Proceeds go to help Bering Support Network and their support for persons affected by HIV/AIDS? According to Houston OutSmart Magazine “people will think this is a spoof of her, but it isn’t”… “It’s a tribute to her life.” Hmm…
Everyone be good to yourself and have a great weekend!
FOD is the Shit!
I meant FOF is the SHIT!
F O F: Feel at Home
F O F: Be Our Friends
En-ter-tain Your Gay Side
Do Not Att-empt To Run.
Good show today, and is it just me or does Tammy Faye look like the evil witch monster from Darkness Falls? I mean, she has cancer and I feel bad for her, but she just freaked me the hell out when I saw her on CNN (from Larry King). And there are a lot of famous historical gays (the Swan King is particularly interesting.)
Sassafraction in the air! Feast of Fools Que Sexy! Change Daily Your Underwear!
I noticed that you play the jingle whenever you have a guest. Sorta NPR-esque….
Woo Cap’n Crunch
G L B T and Me.
Wel-come to Feast of Fools.
This is the Feast of Fools.
This is the Gay Fun Show.
This is Fausto and Marc.
We make our own Gra-vy.
i don’t know…
“It’s time for Feast of Fools!”
“Welcome to Feast of Fools!”
Or you could double-time some of the notes and do:
Feast-of Fools-makes your-iPod go Gay!
“Gay Fun Show: Feast of Fools!”
OR…. you could do “On today’s Feast of Fools” and then always have a mini-teaser before starting the show… kind of like when you have guests on and have a teaser before the show starts. It’d be like the “Electric Company” when they would say “Today on the Electric Company, so-and-so says (insert goofy Moog sound effect here)”
I know, I’m stretching a bit here… 🙂
Loved the show! When are we making meatballs again? 🙂
“sass-a-fraction for all!”
“gay pod-cast of the year!”
“tan-tric sex for your ears!”
“quarter turns, quarter turns!”
ok this is getting to be too much fun.
“I want my Feast of Fools” or “Feast of Fools everywhere”
“I Love FAUF – FAUF loves me” (FAUF=FOF as single syllable)
Great show guys, hugs all aound
(and yeah Fausto, thanks for banning me for lack of show comments)
I just got the news that Tammy Faye Messner died Friday. Such a loss!
How about…
Full Fat Fun, Feast of Fools !
Also I think you overlooked a key problem with these paan flavoured condoms… paan is usually chewed, not sucked!
And by the way it was in the news recently that the statistics for AIDS cases in India was over estimated by about 50%, so there are about half the number of cases in reality. Furthermore, the % per population isn’t so high, it’s purely the fact that there are so many people living in India. One in six people are Indian! so the number may at first glance seem disproportionately high.
Please don’t let Arafat have been gay! we don’t want him on our team!!! Give me MATT DALLAS and a can of whipped cream!
🙂 Helluva comment turn-out.
Visit soon Jason!!
I actually just listened to the show and I realized a few things.
First of all, I called Richard Streetman Eric Streetman, which I think must be because Eric was sitting next to me. 😉 Sorry Richard.
Second, people are hanged, not hung…. although some men I know are hung, but that’s not what I meant.
“Say Hel-lo to the Fools”
hehe Justin, a Freudian slip…although imagining Freud in a slip is the last thing on MY mind =)
feast of fools is for cool’s
cool’s listen to feas to fools
Feast Of Fools Hot And Gay
You want to know who is hot and gay? London Boy! Yeow.