FOF #1497 – A Real Body
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The sexual revolution has pretty much been won, due in part to the Internet. But of course people are also looking to just date, make new friends and form strong relationships.
Mikey Corona and Brian Riggenbach, the gay couple behind YoSoy are back to talk about relationships, what it means to have a “real body” and the sex culture of hookup apps and websites.
They should rename the ‘female’ condom the Santorum Condom. “Don’t get Santorum all over your sheets! Wear a Santorum Condom!”
Christians like to play the oppressed victim card. They like to pretend that they need special protection, even as they are in the ascendency. It probably has something to do with their arguments being so weak; they need our sympathy.
Prop 8 was just overturned! FUCK YOU, MORMONS!
I was misled. The article someone sent me was total bunk. Still, fuck the mormons, though.
How did that article get passed around again?
I find all those profils only with body pictures so boring, no idea what kind of problem they have. Kinda like the guys who say they are or only look for “straight acting” guys.