Here's the latest in the tag netflix

I Have Cancer, Again

2018 was an incredible year. After years of podcasting, Marc Felion got cast in the Norwegian reality TV show “Alt For Norge.” And just like that, I came down with an especially aggressive case of cancer, basal cell carcinoma, that left me with a giant scar on my right shoulder and enormous medical bills to pay.

This year, the cancer is back, right during the middle of preparing for a bodybuilding contest. My birthday was spent going back and forth with doctors to schedule radiation therapy to nuke the tumor on my arm.

Today we take a look at cancer, whee! A look at the highs and lows life brings us, as we reflect on the week’s news and trends.

Posted in: Podcast 1 year ago 0

FOF #2989 – Matt Brown Takes on the Dave Chappelle Controversy

You’ve probably already heard about the controversy or even weighed in on Dave Chappelle’s final comedy special for Netflix, The Closer, where the comedy legend spends most of the hour taking an irreverent and critical look at the collective struggle of LGBTQ folks.

Today comedian Matt Brown, Ms Brown if you’re nasty, joins us to take a look at Dave Chappelle’s comedy special “The Closer” and the surrounding controversy around his comments on LGBTQ plus folks and trans bodies.

Posted in: Comedians, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2988 – Q-Force: From West Hollywood with Love

As LGBTQ people, we’re connected now more than ever before. We live together, we fight together and we ride together- that’s what inspired comedy writer Gabe Liedman to create Q-Force, Netflix’s new animated comedy series that takes us on an adventure with a team of queer super spies and their allies as they team up to fight evil, save the world in West Hollywood, all before Brunch.

Today Q-Force’s animators and directors Jeanette Moreno King and Alex Sayler join us to talk about the new animated series, their shared history animating The Simpsons and the new Beavis and Butthead film.

Posted in: Artists, Filmmakers, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF#2953 – Hedwig Queen Becomes the Tiger King

Tiger King- the true crime story reigned supreme as the 2020 pandemic documentary series on Netflix. It was so wildly popular that it is now getting a dramatic series produced by everyone’s favorite lesbian Kate McKinnon and starring none other than Hedwig himself, John Cameron Mitchel.

Will the Hedwig queen be able to transform herself into the Tiger King?

Today we take a look at the new web series Joe Exotic, now in production, that digs even deeper into the mayem, meth and madness of the Tiger King world.

Posted in: Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2945 – Gay Cruising at the World Trade Center

Even in places as populated as NYC, there was always a place you could go where nobody knows your name, but they’re always glad you came.

In the new short film “Trade Center,” filmmaker Adam Baran returns to the site of the World Trade Center to examine the stories of men who cruised the iconic building for sex before the twin towers fell.

Listen as we chat with Adam Baran about what made the Twin Towers a powerful center for trade, the impact of the surveillance state on cruising and can digital hookups replace what’s been lost?

Posted in: Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 3 years ago 0

FOF #2913 – St Sukie de la Croix’s Very British Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a little fairy named Sukie who grew up to see his world change through the impact of Stonewall and the rise of the modern gay rights movement, the AIDS crisis, and the rule of the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher.

Today St Sukie de la Croix lifts the veil on his mysterious persona and tells us of his early upbringing in a working class family in post WWII England and partying with Princess Margaret.

Listen as we chat with Sukie about his new book “The Memoir of a Groucho Marxist: A Very British Fairy Tale” which takes us on a magical realist journey throughout his childhood.

Posted in: Podcast, Writers 4 years ago 0

BONUS: Pageant Queen Aurora Sexton Looks at the 1968 Documentary The Queen

One of the most influential LGBT documentaries of all time is The Queen, Frank Simon and Flawless Sabrina’s 1968 film that takes the viewer behind the scenes of a tumultuous drag pageant held in New York City two years before the Stonewall riots.

Today, Miss Gay U.S. of A pageant winner, Aurora Sexton, joins us to look at drag pageants over the decades and what it takes for a gal to make it big in the pageant circuit.

Posted in: Comedians, Drag Queens & Kings, Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2886 – Podcast Pizza Party

With the weekend coming up, we thought today we’d kick back, put a pizza in the oven and take a look at the goodies from the week and all the hot news–

A medical miracle: doctors grow a dong on a man’s arm to replace it.

Jennifer Hudson wows the internet with her powerful and dizzying musical tribute to the late Civil Rights Leader John Lewis.

Posted in: Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2885 – Ellen, Madonna and RuPaul in Crisis

Celebrities have always been welcome in our homes for their ability to entertain and help us escape the troubles of the world.

But during the Covid pandemic, there’s a reckoning, and many celebrities that we adored before all hell broke loose are now facing their own crisis over their inability to relate to people and at worse, spreading misinformation that can cost people’s lives.

Today we’re taking a look at Ellen, Madonna and RuPaul: three beloved gay icons in crisis.

Posted in: Podcast 4 years ago 0

FOF #2830 – The Boys in the Band Spills All The Hot Tea

Screen writer Mart Crowley responded to the lack of gay representation in mainstream media by writing “The Boys in the Band” a dark comedy featuring mostly gay actors in ay roles brutally laying it all on the line, from their self loathing and racism to their love and resilience.

Today, Windy City Playhouse’s The Boys in the Band director Carl Menninger joins us take a look at the play and the film, and its influence on popular culture and queer liberation.

Posted in: Artists, Interviews, Podcast 4 years ago 0