The Official FULL Length “300 Spartan Workout” Featuring Scott Herman
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SPARTANS!!! PREPARE FOR GLORY!! This is the same workout the actors did to get ready for their roles as Spartan’s in the movie 300 watch it and try it on your own! My goal is […]
Scott, that is truly clever, smart and amazing! I was going WTF with those floor wipes exercise.
Thanks Fausto!!!
although you never know which videos will go viral (its a mix of the whim of the public, what’s happened in the news that week, luck, good content and being featured on multiple places) I have a good hunch this will get a lot of views.
It really was amazing, and the dark light added to a moody atmosphere.
Yeah I was WTF when I saw this too. Amazing video. I now want to die though, and hope I get reincarnated as Scott Herman in a future life.
best moment for me: doing floor wipes and he says Why are these so easy lol dude.
Thanks for the great lesson in positive mind set.
You are very welcome my friend!
I think Scott was being ironic when he said they were easy, it looked REALLY hard.
And I’m sure it made some folks hard too! 😉
Scott, I’m always amazed. You’re an inspiration, top stud on the internet and it’s always a pleasure to watch and learn from you (and sometimes just watch again – hey I’m skipping desserts and snacks, you never said we should give up eye candy!). Some of your tips have really helped me out of a workout rut and now this!!! You’re definitely Captain America in my book!
Thanks John that means a lot!
I hope to continue to inspire you to reach your fitness goals!
that’s one very inspirational video – well done Scott. Truly amazing. You’d be a fantastic personal trainer, with that incredible enthusiasm. Nice shorts too.
“submission – that might be a problem for a spartan”. Ah. I can’t imagine ever saying that 😉
haha.. well once you do this workout a couple times you will be a Spartan for sure!
This was funny, interesting, and all around cool! Thanks for the video, and all the tips and info!
you are very welcome!
Attempting only a tenth of a percent of what SHF did in the vid, I tried adding one of the easier barbell ones to my workout. No pain the next day, so I thought the exercise was duplicative of the back extension in my routine. Two days later, I am sore. BREAK BREAK. If the smell of sweaty leather cock straps is any clue, I can imagine how animalistic Scott must have smelled afterward. Thank you for all your imaginative ways of educating and inspiring regular folks to make the effort!
You are very welcome!
I am glad you tried it out! Keep pushing!!
Great tips, but, um, Spartan’s didn’t have an Australian accent I think. LOL, I’m just guessing..not sure tho. LOL
Maybe not Australian… but definitely Boston 😉