Here's the latest in the tag exercise

VIDEO: Speed-Up! Increase Speed & Explosiveness!

It’s summertime and you don’t want to miss out on enjoying some quality beach time just because you need to workout!  This routine is going to show you three exercises that you can do outside […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Hunks, People, Videos 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Olympic Gold Medal Zone!

With the 2012 Olympics underway; what better time to train to look like your favorite Olympian?  This routine has been designed to push your cardio endurance to the limit and shred that unwanted fat to […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Hunks, Videos 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Scott Herman Fitness Athlete Challenge ”TEASER” Take the Challenge!

The SHF Athlete Challenge is all about pushing yourself to that next level of fitness with some great prizes to win along the way!  Be sure to sign-up to our exclusive e-mailer so we can […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Hunks, People, Videos 13 years ago 0

FOF #1604 – Susan Powter Fights to Stop the Insanity

After all these years, Susan Powter is still working to help people eat well and get into shape. She’s taking on the corporations that shove junk foods down our throats and coming out against the fat acceptance movement.

Remember Susan’s catch phrase “Stop the Insanity”? Well the insanity never stopped.

VIDEO: ARM-ageddon! Get HUGE ARMS For The Summer!

Are you looking to gain some SERIOUS muscle on those biceps and triceps?  This routine follows a super strict TEMPO and rep range that is intended to do just that.  You will feel a pump […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Hunks, People, Videos 13 years ago 4

VIDEO: Volcano Legs! Increase MUSCLE & STRENGTH!

If you have been looking for the ULTIMATE Strength & Muscle gain routine then you have found it!  This routine is going to hit your legs so hard they are going to feel like they […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Hunks, People 13 years ago 0

VIDEO: Ultimate Warm-Up: “LOWER” Muscle Activator!

THIS IS NOT A WORKOUT! So don’t treat it like one!  The more muscle you can activate before a lift, the stronger you will be!  But remember, this is a warm-up, and if done properly […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Hunks, Videos 13 years ago 0

FOF #1581 – Little Guy, Big Gym

Gyms can be a little intimidating to someone who’s never stepped inside one before. With all sorts of bodies and weights going a million different directions all at once, you may feel a bit like frogger trying to cross the road without getting run over or eaten by crocodiles.

The very funny Jeffrey Jay to talk about the awkwardness people face when joining a gym, ways to overcome obstacles, and how to get off the couch to be in the best shape of your life.

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Podcast, Self Improvement 13 years ago 12

VIDEO: Building BLOCKS! Abdominal Obliteration!

Building abs is just like building any other muscle, you need to train with heavy weight and HIGH VOLUME!  After completion, this routine will leave your abdominals hurting for DAYS!  Be sure to really push […]

Posted in: Health & Wellness, Hunks, People, Videos 13 years ago 1