Dad Only Speaks Klingon to Child
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A Minnesota man decided to see if he could teach his child Klingon, so for the first three years that’s all he spoke. d’Armond Speers (no relation to Britney) has a doctorate in computational linguistics […]
HAHA. Poor kid.
That is fucked up. How can you mess with your own child`s future in this way?
He should teach his son a language which does exist on the planet. How is he supposed to communicate with other kids his age?
I guess it is possible to be an overprotective parent, kooky person and star trek fan all at the same time, while speaking fluent Klingon.
His mom spoke English to him. More people speak Klingon than Latin or any artificial language! Plus, maybe he’ll get a job working for Star Trek someday.
The kid looks mortified!
As they say in Klingon:
“loD ‘Iv Daj puq ghaH Daq chargh.”
(A man who teaches his child a foreign tounge raises him to conquer the universe.)
Hmm… it seems Klingon is actually a fairly popular language. One of the most popular constructed languages (ahead of Esperanto and Elvish). The kid’s going to be just ffiiine. He can even surf the web using Google’s Klingon language interface: 😉
I have to wonder what (if any) social skills this kid has? There has got to be fallout from this at some point… kids are not science (or social) experiments.