FOF #2642- A Madonna Style Tribute to Aretha Franklin
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Madonna’s in hot water again for ruining another celebrity tribute. Today the hilarious Matt Brown joins us to take a look at the life and music of the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin – her infamous feuds with Patti Labelle and Dionne Warwick, her insistence on being pad in cold hard cash and why she didn’t leave a will.
Thanks, Fausto! Loved you on the latest episode of Camp Wanakiki. How long does it take to get that glitter out of your beard? I hope on the next season you and Marc become camp employees or maybe the mascot!
Sorry to hear about your car. I’ve chipped in some munty towards a replacement.
And why not pic of Matt in the episode banner? Or does he look just like Aretha? 😉
It takes 20 minutes in the shower! All my makeup is really easy to remove, so just like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz, if I get hit with even a splash of water, I’M MELTING!
Hey Marc and Fausto. Sorry to hear that the car died, and in of all places, Brantford. The town is kind of famous for all kinds of things (apart from being the last resting place of your Cinderella coach. Many famous people are from that town, including Wayne Gretzky (hockey player) and Phil Hartman (Simpsons). The actor who played Tonto is from there too. Plus Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone while living there in his father’s manor house (which is not mentioned in the American history books). The electron microscope was invented there also. Brantford is an odd little town in strange location, but it does have a lot to boast about.
I can’t wait to go back!
I just got sucked into an episode of Camp Wannakiki. I knew it would be good, but I didn’t expect it to be so engrossing! I’m off to bed a little later than planned. And yes Fausto, you make a very cute bear.