FOF #1013 – Stonewall Michael Jackson
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What a week! Music icon Michael Jackson dies of heart failure at the age of 50 at around the same time 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. Will Michael Jackson’s death spark a new civil rights movement in the way that Judy Garland’s death did for gay people 40 years ago?
One correction on the commercial aspect of Pride parades. At least from my knowledge and perspective here in Phoenix: I served on the Board of Directors for Phoenix Pride for 4 years and we were a completely non-profit 501(c)3 organization. The money that was ‘made’ from the festival was put back into the community through scolarships and donations to local gay charities. Our parades have actually been 100% free for the past few years and have grown as a result of it. Perhaps the Chicago Pride Parade is more of a really commercial enterprise? I don’t know, but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in
Next year is the 30th Anniversary of Pride in Phoenix and will be a HUGE weekend event! Definitely got to get u guys out here for that. And I won’t take no for an answer! haha
Well, Billy Mays died too this morning! All this death is crazy and kind of depressing
so did ANDY HUGHES of the Orb
Marsian sounds like Nadia Ginsberg’s Winnona Ryder.
I’ve been tuning out the onslaught of media coverage and biting my tongue but I have to say I was impressed with your frank discussion with Marcin. Always nice to hear him on the show as well. Brings a much loved kooky flavor.
ps Larry thanks for the hello! I better get started on the fan club now
Oops, forgot to say something else. I urge you boys and anyone else to make the pilgrimage at least once to spend Gay Freedom Day aka Pride in San Francisco. Its one of the few events that is not fenced in where they charge you upwards of $20 admission then force you to pay $6 for water, etc. I like to make a pitstop in the faerie freedom village where nudity is encouraged and allowed. After chilling out you can venture to any of the numerous music stages. Its always lovely to join the cabal of trannyshack ladies and local freaks for the end of day headliners who perform on the steps of city hall.
ps I like to tote a few personal coolers on a luggage carrier so my bar goes everywhere I do.
Love Larry!!!!
Marsian! It’s about time. Don’t leave it so long between visits. Still gutted I missed you at the Edinburgh Festival last year.
I have to say alwso that all the commercial participation is what makes it impossible to even have large scale events like those in San Francisco, NY, Chicago etc… I do love the little small ones, but they are unsustainable as multi year events. I was the chair of Pride in Salt Lake City back in the early 90’s and even then when Pride was a small event in a park it cost thousands of dollars. Eventually Pride there grew to include a parade (now you have street closures and police protection, port-o-potties on route etc.. added to cost), then the after parade festival started to grow and people demanded and wanted bigger and bigger entertainers (just like Fausto’s “bring in Vanessa Williams” cries) which costs MONEY. Yes the Dyke marches are great as political rallies but we would all start demanding DJs and singers and dancing boys and stages if a political march were all that happened.
So yes the ATT employees association flat is usually a little boring, but they are paying the bills for the parade, so give them a little love.
That’s a really good point- I guess we just want to see the level of sophistication the beer floats have in the gay parades as they do in the sports themed parades.
Would love to see a near-naked hunk riding a Clydesdale, wouldn’t you?